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248. Life in Santa Rosa County 1896 (Part II)

The Milton Journal had a section called the "All Sorts," which appeared to be an assortment of sales, announcements, and such. The local editor, Mr. H. H. Hall assumed the duties of this section with good purpose and vigor. Part of his responsibilities was to keep up with town gossip plus all the coming and goings of everyone and their families. Who was visiting who and who was out of town or in town for the holidays. There's a lot of historical data to be collected by reading about such things. And during political season, who was running for what office? I guess it was sort of like our "social media" of today! An example of this section is:

-All wool men's shirts on sale at lowest prices at Cohen's Brothers.

-The best $1.00 spectacles in the world at C. J. Adams

-Slight changes in the L&N train schedule:

Going East: Train #5 8:40 PM Train #21 8:30 AM

Going West: Train #2 10:17 PM Train #22 5:15 PM

-Highest price for cotton paid by D. T. Williams & Co. (David Terrell)

-Madam Rumor says there's to be a wedding in the high life of Milton soon.

-Mr. Peter Atkin of Liverpool, England with his wife (Nellie Ellen) and family arrived here last Saturday morning and is to be the guest of his wife's mother Mrs. H. S. Keyser (Harriet Swift Kyser, widow of William Judah Kyser)

-Chaffin's & Co. mill (James Alexander Chaffin Buried Milton Cemetery) closed down Thursday night for the holidays.

-Simpson & Co. mill also closed down for the holidays.

-Mr. E. L. Marsh arrived here last Saturday with his family, household furniture, stock, etc. from near Logansport, Ind. and will locate in the section across the river from Milton. He was attracted to Santa Rosa County by the salubrious climate of this section.

-As to Professor Edward L. McDaniel, (First School Superintendent) all wondered what made him so very smiling last Saturday and various reasons for it were assigned by his numerous friends, but at last he relieved their suspense by the announcement that there was a brand new baby girl at his home. (Mary Emma McDaniel Villar, born 1896–1990)

-Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jones of Crestview have arrived in the city and will spend the holiday at the home of their daughter Mrs. N. C. McMillan.

-Misters Louis M. Rhoda, Charlie and John Clark, Frank Jones, Louis Harrison (Louis Lofton Harrison), Junior and Senior, and Charly Monroe, the only Charlie in the world noted for his good looks and hospitality came to Pensacola last night from Milton to attend the "Knights of Dixie" ball.

-Mrs. Catherine McMillan will her daughter Annie left Tuesday night for Pensacola where they will spend the Christmas festivities with Angus M. McMillan. Miss Annie will remain in Pensacola and act as the recording clerk for her brother who will take his seat as the clerk of the court of Escambia County on January 8, 1897. (Annie Mae became a renown school teacher from 1877 to 1933, of which the Annie McMillan school was named in her honor. Her father was Neill McMillan of Company "C" of the Florida 3rd Cavalry Battalion, which became Company "E" of the 15th Cavalry Regiment)

-Last Friday night Mr's D. T. (David Terrell Williams 1865-1937) and W. J. Williams (Wiley Joel Williams Jr. 1876-1963) with their families were absent from home attending the commencement exercises at the Good Templar Hall when some mischievous boys removed the gates from the respective residences leaving W. J.'s gate at his stable and D. T.'s at the M. E. Church.

-The closing exercises of the Monroe Springs Academy took place at Good Templar's Hall last Friday night, Mr. J. B. Lockey and Miss Irene Williams teachers.

The "Social Media" Section

The Political Section

John H. Collins for Marshal & Tax Collector

The Political Section

Ernest Amos for Mayor

The Political Section

A. W. Fairburn for Tax Assessor

Miss Annie Mae McMillan c1900

Miss Annie Mae McMillan (1859-1939)

Acted as recording clerk until brother Angus took office

Angus M. McMillan and wife Mattie

Angus became Clerk of the Court, Pensacola 1898

Neill Cuyler McMillan, 15th Confederate Cavalry,

Businessman and Politician

Louis M. Rhoda attended the "Knights of Dixie" Ball 1897

From the Tips Section

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