28. Pensacola High Grad of 1937 Trains Actor Clark Gable
Following Pearl Harbor James Woodrow Ward reenlisted as a private in the US Army on August 19, 1942 and eventually wound up in the air...
28. Pensacola High Grad of 1937 Trains Actor Clark Gable
27. The World War II "Pro Stations" for the Marines
26. Pensacola High Grad of 1928 Killed Aboard USS Meredith
25. Pensacola High Grad Fools the Marines on Guadalcanal
20. Pensacola's WWII Air Raid Warnings
17. Florida State College for Women First WWII Casualty
16. Florida State College for Women Pin-Up
9. WWII Hero Brother of Iconic PHS English Teacher
8. Pensacola Newspaper Headlines from WWII
5. Cary Carlson Ward Sr., PHS Class of 1943
3. Pensacolian KIA on USS Princeton 1944